Wedding & Event Videographers in Metro Detroit
Whatever the occasion, our goal is to capture every precious moment. Our talented videographers will skillfully document and curate your occasion with top-of-line equipment and cinematic techniques.
Wedding videography is a Bash speciality. We take a personalized approach to telling your love story and excel at unobtrusively covering those candid moments that reveal the essence of your love. Your heartwarming highlight reel will bring you and yours joy for years to come.
Take a look at our Videos
When our team of DJ’s are busy packing dance floors playing the hits, our professional videographers also know how to capture the memories and make a film to relive those moments over and over again.
Carley & Dominik’s Wedding Highlight 🎥✨
Chris & Andrea Wedding Highlight 🎥✨
Rebecca & Sam Wedding Highlight 🎥✨
Wedding videography pricing
Get comprehensive price & uncompromising quality without compromising your budget.
All Videography Packages Include:
- Professional Videographer
- Cinematic, documentary or other feature film
- Full video of ceremony
- Full video of formal/special dances
- Full video of toasts
- Complete coordination w/ all vendors on site
- Always polite & professional
- Fun & engaging to get the best clips!
Save $200
When you book 2 services.
Bundle photography with either videography OR DJ services to save time and money.
You can be sure that your wedding team will know each other, and have worked together!
Wedding Videography
Starting at
Find your perfect Detroit Wedding Videographer to capture the most important moments of your day. Who mesh with your personality and style!
Plus, with our team of professional videographers. You’ll always have a back up in the case of emergencies!
Save $500
When you book 3 services.
Bundle photography with either videography AND DJ services to save time and money.
You can be sure that your wedding team will know each other, and have worked together!